Tomy Ceballos - Murcia, Spanien
(spanisch: kleine Holzboote)

Tomy Ceballos aus Spanien platziert im Flutgraben seine Pateras,
überdimensionale Madenwesen aus schwarzem Gummi.
Die Arbeit wurde im Herbst 2003 für en route entwickelt und auf freiem Feld in Brandenburg installiert. >>>

Tomy Ceballos places his maggot-like Pateras, made of black rubber, on the surface of the Flutgraben. After the unification of Berlin, the Flutgraben, a water way in Berlin, kept the silence that it used to have when it was a frontier area, now used mainly by fishermen. Pateras literally are small wooden boats, and Ceballos aims to draw a line to the presence of the refugees landing on the coasts close to his hometown Murcia. The work was developed in 2003 for "En route" and installed in a field in Brandenburg. Literally pateras are small wooden boats which are used by the refugees landing on the coasts close to Ceballos' hometown Murcia.
The work was developped in 2003 for "En route" and installed on a plain field in Brandenburg.

Flutgraben, südlich der Straße Vor dem Schlesischen Tor (Kreuzberg/Treptow)

Tomy Ceballos Biographie

Tomy Ceballos Person

Tomy Ceballos www
